Melbourne 2030. Inform me.
I think that i should blog more. Or even write a story.
So, i was invited to a fundraising dinner dance.
My left foot had me on its hit list, it didn't enjoy being in a high heel, and now i am arguing with it.
But i had fun and the food was good. Food is important. (Evidence seen in "Paradise of the Blind" - Duong Thu Huong) Food means bonding and this can get awkward. And i really liked the female singer's voice.
Now i must show you something.
I THINK IT IS A SIGN. (That i will get a 7 in every subject) It's taped on my wall and nothing is happening.
I look quite scary. But my sister was making turkey cranberry / turkey nice salad thing at 1am for her Year 7 Food Stall. Cakes! Jelly! Muffins! Chocolate! Lollies! All at ridiculously low prices.
I feel like a tea party with devonshire tea and scones. I hate quiche.
I think that i have failed anyone who reads this post. My life is so boring at the moment, apart from the fact i spilled water all over me in the car and it looked like i have real bladder problems. So i sat on my blazer thinking, ABSORB DAMNIT ABSORB. And then i got to assembly and my dress/jumper was 60% dry by now and hurray for .... absorbing seats.
Don't worry, i was not menstruating. LOL
Super Long Edit: for the photocrazy.
You know, i really think that that light is an opening into another world.
Where i can eat sushi all day and make my own sushi train. How about my own sushi cardboard box bed. okay wtf
Okay, so that box of chocolate had issues. Steph and i exiled a few from it and forced them into a line. Then we made up a game similar to where you leap over something else and that thing disappears... to see which chocolate would die first.
And then it met our taste buds. And they were really happy.
I think i suffer from Severe must-steal-every-balloon-i-see Syndrome.
When one waiter moved our bunch from our table, it was very tragic for me. YES I HAVE ISSUES. In the end i asked to take two home but Kristen's mother was kind enough to let me take ELEVEN and i was greedy enough to accept.
Balloons make me happy okay?
I'm going to end on the highlight of the night.
We got Kristen on the dance floor. You don't know how long it took to convince her. BUT HER DRESS IS SO PRETTY. And that is a bad photo. But it's proof! (surrounded by other ppl dancing)