Saturday, January 15, 2011

my ear hurts

really bad photography... sorry

My dad won this T2 selection and teapot in a raffle competition at work!!! Wow this is a really good prize i have to say. 

Oh, and i have frogs in my garden now YAY i can hear them croaking happily (i hope) and i found a tiny lizard in my living room too hmmmm.... so my dad told me to vacuum it but by the time i got the vacuum cleaner it disappeared which was good because i only reserve vacuuming for scary things like SPIDERS. 

I was driving home in the rain from work and there were giant puddles everywhere on the road. A man was standing on the sidewalk and one car went WOOOSH by him and he got wet. The next car also went WOOOOOOSHHH and he got soaked. And by the time i went wooooooosh.... LOL he was like ".............................." >< hehhe poor guy although i did brake for him unlike the others !!!!!

Okay, my eyes hurt. And i also learned that you can claim tax from petrol today. Sigh, i really don't know anything.  


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