Monday, March 28, 2011

puffed up

What can i say. I really dislike my new haircut. 

10cm shorter so all the split ends are gone and now sits above my chest. Side fringe is too short for my liking but it will grow out soon. 

And i look like a little kid. 

It's not a massive change and it's not THAT bad but seriously, i want my long hair back. Even if it was a tangled mess at the bottom and i had too much hair in my face but at least i had MORE HAIR. 

It's okay. It's just hair. Give it a few weeks. 


Blogger f i o n a said...

NAWWWWW i bet you like cuteeyyy adorableelelelele

8:40 PM  
Blogger adeliiiiiine said...

Nawwww.... I wanna see it. I just cut my own fringe myself last week. And it ended up to be a little too short. BUT my hair grows pretty fast, which is lucky. So I guess it's alright. PLUS, you can always just put your fringe back, so no one will ever notice. ;)

8:48 PM  
Blogger Spcogg said...

Mophair will return! And have its revenge! >:(

11:38 PM  
Blogger Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

Awhh that sucks, i'm sure you look lovely. x hivennn p.s enter my giveaway?

8:15 PM  
Blogger Savvi said...

omgomgomg i haven't cut my hair for like nearly two years now and it's sooooo long. and dead. >.< shall go get it cut soon-ish.

3:04 PM  
Blogger eliza said...

Aw, I'm sure it isn't too bad! We all have haircuts we're not so fond of... but I'm sure yours looks fine!


10:53 PM  

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