Tuesday, March 15, 2011


gah so tired i think i smell noodles but my nose is too blocked to tell.... I think i'm imagining udon or ramen because i was just looking up japanese eating places in the city nuuuuuuuu

 So i'm sick with a runny nose and the occasional blood from a blood vessel that burst and i found lots of tissue packets for only $2 at the Reject Shop today yay! Finished uni at 11:30am today and then went home at 6pm after spending the day with Farn. We bought crepes from that French creperie near brownless and he told the guy "Julian" but he wrote it as "Julia" so i guess we are Julian and Julia now eh?

...... no thanks, i don't want to be called Julia. 

What i learned in animal health yesterday... that Taurine is an essential amino acid that cats need and is only found in meat so therefore they must at least be carnivorous... whereas dogs don't have any essential amino acids that can only be taken up in their diet but since they have a more complex digestive system than cats they are considered more as omnivores (not true carnivores) since they also eat vegetables. But i guess you could try and feed cats vegetables with the occasional meat but their digestive tract may be too simple to digest the plant material in vegetables...... Therefore the more herbivorous an animal the more complicated their digestive tract is because they need more space and time to digest the plant fibre. 

Long post - sorry. With bad grammar too. And i drove to uni on Labour day. 


Blogger 21minutes said...

wow you take in a lot from your lectures

10:41 PM  
Blogger f i o n a (miss.tea) said...

juliaaaaaaaaa, oh i didnt know that about cats and dogs =oo

11:20 PM  
Blogger Spcogg said...


7:08 PM  

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Just a normal FROGGY eating her way through the world. Find me at lonelypebool@gmail.com