Sunday, April 03, 2011

motion picture in the sky

Time for a more serious post... I don't even know why i blog or why i continue to due to the lack of obvious feedback but I do know that I blog for myself first and have only recently begun to blog for the world too. But according to my stats, it seems a lot of you are interested in my life anyway so I will continue to blog but this post is just for me really. 

In Animal Health I learned about how most pathogens cause subclinical infections (organism infecting animal but no obvious symptoms) MORE than clinical infections (obvious signs). This made me realise how much faith we (subconsciously at first?) have in our vets and doctors - basically anyone superior in a field - to make both correct short and long term judgements about our wellbeing. After learning about the different life cycles many parasites have (eg - infective as larvae but not as adults or vice versa), I became paranoid that my dogs had something like Dirofilaria immitis (heartworm) in them because that only causes a problem over a long period of time but i wouldn't be able to tell (if infected/which symptoms relate to which cause/s etc ...should get them rechecked). Which comes back to how much we rely on the knowledge and integrity of our vets' and doctors' observations and diagnoses. It also reminds me of some article i read in the The Triple Helix magazine over a dispute of "wrongful" birth regarding the responsibilities of a medical practitioner and the Law. I can't remember the facts but it did emphasise that with advancing technology also comes increasing responsibility to foresee problems and whether a practitioner who cannot with absolute certainty prevent a child from being born with a disability be held liable.  

That being said, I have now run out of stuff to write. For now. 


Blogger Spcogg said...

'Cause we got to hold on to what we've got, it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not!

I don't think doctor's can really be held responsible for disabilities. I mean if they can prevent it then that's good, but nobody is all knowing.

7:09 PM  
Blogger f i o n a said...

Vivian has a lot of private stalkers =ooo
Lucky for her (or unlucky), I am a public stalker BAHBHSDBAHSBDHAHAHAHAHA

12:25 PM  
Blogger Savvi said...

if i could 'like' fi's comment, i would so like it rofl

and i was learning about that same thing in health behaviour. how we all seem to believe that what those with a doc in front of their names say...

10:34 PM  
Blogger sallyannie☆ said...


7:52 PM  

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