Thursday, August 26, 2010

a beautiful monster

Did i mention that it's currently cupcake haven at our house? Laura made 60 cupcakes last night for her Year 9 Food Stall and i woke up to more Lemon Diva Cupcakes from my nap today. It's actually Julie Goodwin's recipe. 

guess where we are...

I had the most incredible nap just then. It ticked off everything from not waking up drowsy to awesome dreams. Streets and buildings had upended themselves like in Inception so that when the bus turned the corner it also went "up the wall". In one case, we were even traveling on the "walls" themselves in a gigantic square? rectangle? Whatever.

But the best part of the dream wasn't when i was walking down a never ending, spiral staircase in an insanely short dress and heels. That would have been so painful. 

It was when i was took advantage of a $25 for $183 worth KFC voucher. OMG. YUM. WICKED WINGS. DRUMSTICKS. BREAD. HERE I COME. 

Why couldn't this happen in real life???  


Blogger Unknown said...

that is a really really awsome pic of you!!! ^^ (second one) (stoned one) ^^ did the day really look like that!?!?

11:15 AM  

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