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I woke up at 12pm and made this ham and cheese sandwich with way too much Hot English Mustard. stupid me. Now my nose is screwed up LOL =\
We got the randomest letter from the school today about a former history teacher who had child pornography stuff on his home computer. Um thanks for telling us..probably better off that i didn't know about it ... but good thing i can't remember what he looks like xD The funniest thing is that we all got told he had cancer which is why he left >____>
I think i've eaten another 20 crackers today. The Doll's House is pretty good. easy to read. Maybe i should start to do hw.
Sometimes you wish for something. And when you get it, you don't know what to do with it anymore.
So why did i think about it in the first place?
hot english mustard: the only real mustard for real men :D
I have an addiction to canned tuna. And i'll have whatever it is that you got if you don't want it ^_^
viv you mo my wish and i no what to do with it ;D
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