Friday, November 21, 2008

sunset glow.

There are three things i learned today.

1. Don't imagine killing people just for fun.

I was watching Heroes and i felt angry because Angela should have just knifed her husband straight away. And now he's still not dead. So i was imagining how it must feel to be in that position. And how i would have enjoyed disemboweling people i don't like (which isn't many) just for fun. But that would be wrong, no?

2. I admit that i need hearing aids.
Those who know me well like to bag me about my hearing problems. What i don't feel like hearing, i make it up. What i don't even get to hear, i make it up. But my translations can be quite comical =D I just watched the latest Bond movie and the agents speak so quickly and precisely. The point is, i wouldn't make a good agent because my ears only seem to translate words into jibberish. I would fail the company, the country and life itself.

I think it's because some things are better off unheard.

I don't understand this post.

3. Teachers like to lie to you.
This could be in a positive or negative way. However, in exam conditions, what do you think it is. We were told that nothing on semester 1 would be on the bio exam aka only 5 multiple choice q out of the 30. Instead i think i just failed half of that paper + the ones i got wrong for semester 2 work, because i believed that lie. Or i didn't care. Hopefully paper 2 and 3 are passable because they hurt my hand.

There are huge 50% sales everywhere in Westfield. I seriously have to go there soon.

This is a crap post.

I feel like bombing up something.


Blogger Farnie said...

wahh westfield.. i've never been there.. i want to go get some cheap bargains.
and wtf paper 2 and 3?? how many bio papers are there..

12:01 AM  
Blogger .::EmiLy::. said...

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg take meee with uuuu!!!
50% off... the words alone make me jittery [in a good way] LOL.

aww hearing aids lol
yes teachers love lying to us >_>

11:06 AM  

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