Saturday, October 02, 2010

sky burger

Normally when i make chinese tea, I busy myself with other tasks until the tea has finished brewing. 

But today I glanced up at the fridge and wondered if there was more behind the notes, pictures and magnets on the front. Why do you like one magnet more than the other? What stuff should still be on the fridge? Does an untidy and overloaded fridge surface indicate a sudden mid life crisis or are you just being lazy? What can you learn just by looking at someone's fridge? Who said the fridge door has to be tidy? Or do you only communicate with your family by sticking notes on the fridge? (there's a book on the last one) 

I don't know where this is leading but I sometimes forget or am oblivious to what is on the fridge door. The Barbie dress up magnets that i used to play with until i grew older and taller still remain and then there are the  Pokemon magnets hidden under a wallpaper of reminders, memories and itineraries. This may indicate some desperate cleaning up at hand but I am only concerned with what is inside the fridge.

And I have become so focused on what is or should be inside that I now wonder if this is how I relate myself to others in society. I need food just as much as I need people around me. And maybe expecting basics like eggs and milk to be in the fridge is equivalent to expecting others to treat you the same or hoping to create new  relationships from these basic "ingredients". 

But I think I need to start looking at people as a "whole" person again and not remember them only for their good or bad qualities or what i only know of them. I need to stop burrowing my head inside the fridge and finally realize that nothing new will appear unless someone makes an effort to go shopping - or in this case, to rekindle, save or start a new friendship.

...Anddddd I don't know what the hell i just wrote because i've been craving Sky Burger (iphone game) the entire time.  


Blogger Unknown said...

Give me the Pokemon stickers of you don't want it.

Heh I think I'm more like a person who looks at all the magnets and papers stuck to the front, and I sometimes just assume what's on the inside.

1:03 AM  
Blogger Luindilwen said...

LOOOOLLLL....i lost track of the metaphore when you stuck your head in the fridge...O.o....and i dont remember fridge magnets when i was young...i dont think i was allowed to play with the magnets...and also...milk and eggs go rotten with time ^^ hehehehe

2:44 PM  

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