Wednesday, January 13, 2010

late night thoughts

If you only have two good friends, and one of them is your boyfriend, then i almost feel sorry for you. What are you going to do if one of them dies/leaves you?There are people who need to open up and those who need to slow down. And if you can't get along with many types of people? I don't know.

Number one is meant to be family but right now it feels like friends. I feel bad, but i will come to my senses soon. What have i been eating/drinking/reading/discussing? Some people need to concrete their existing friendships. Or decide who they really care about. You don't take these relationships for granted. Blobs have feelings too.

The involuntary twitch felt before falling asleep is called Hypnic Jerk.  I haven't experienced this in a while.

Sometimes... if i want someone to talk to me on msn, i keep exiting their conversation after i reply. Then it is almost certain that they will reply when it's really just want disguised as rejection.

I am up late because everyone else is up late. Today i taught Laura maths in Gloria Jeans. I also pissed off the bus driver by refusing to buy a new ticket even though mine expired 3 minutes before i registered it. Whatever.

I have a secret i want to tell but can't at the moment. I feel bad.

Today Tom shouted me a really pretty drink. The bottle is blue with a gold tree at the bottom and the milk tea tastes...interesting.

So like..where are we going?  It's exciting, but is there more to this?


Blogger Yi-Ling said...

I like this post alot. It brings up alot of semi issues that have hovered in the minds of many (i think). at least they have hovered in my mind at some point in time.

i especially like the last line: "So like..where are we going? It's exciting, but is there more to this?" YES EXACTLY! sadly i have no answers to this eloquent question.

12:10 AM  

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