Friday, January 15, 2010

"be the flame - not the moth"

So i had an enjoyable catch up session with Katherine today at her house :) She picked me up from the station yay and gave me a jam donut to eat hehe. Slarkin wasn't home so we hopped on a tram that smelt like farts great... I wore her hat to Safeway and she asked me if my secret (scroll down) was if i was pregnant .. man wtf? LOL no i actually just finished my monthly thing for your information hahaha.

We made seafood risotto and should've probably cooked it 5min longer for extra smoothness (lol.."massage the creamy starch out of the rice") and chucked in some octopus and scallops rofl... we sure massaged that thing well but not long enough it made interesting sounds i bet it enjoyed it LOL

Hmm... so i poked at anything interesting in her house and updated myself with her Itunes music. Slarkin came over later and we watched Casanova. poo what a player ha. I am suspicious..Katherine wouldn't let me look at her servers without her checking them first LOL hmmm

I stuffed myself at Sofias. I can't even move.

P.S - Katherine, you got a whole post to yourself. Ha. (she kept coughing today. Extremely excited to see me obviously.)


Blogger f i o n a said...

octopus! <333333
YUMMMM OMG baby octopus is soo yumm ><

HAHAHA if i were to guess ur secret i'd say.. actually i wont say =P

10:43 PM  
Blogger KL said...

dudeee. excellent.

this post is going down as one of my favourites since my name was mentioned no less than 3 times.

just excellent.

9:16 AM  

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