Double Geog Spare
I'm going to publish my Extended Essay. I did not write 50 pages-to-be nonsense on Melbourne Docklands that included 8 hours of hand drawing 10 maps for nothing. It's worth a lot more than that.
Go IB.
But i don't think it'd get sold because Robert Doyle would send me hate mail. You see, unlike Premier Brumby, he still hasn't replied to my questions by mail. I think he found out that 10-15 of my surveyors quoted "Robert Doyle is an idiot", which was subtely hinted in my report when comparing the different views of residents and non residents.
What a douchebag.
Oh and is it really true that anything below an A+ in your midyear 3/4 won't give you 40+ at the end of the year?
Sometimes i wish i did Art as an IB subject. If i was at another school.
If you ace (and I mean ACE) everything else and get an A for the Mid-Year, you can potentially get 40+. A friend of mine at MacRob got a B+ in her Bio Mid-Year and got a 40 in the end.
Still, if you don't get A+, anything above 45 is basically impossible, and 40+ in general will be very difficult.
Oh, another one. My friend got A in his Accounting Mid-Year and got a 40.
Notice how these are all 40, and only 40. =/
End of year exam is the most important though. Count for twice of Mid-Years.
I got an b+ on midyear and A+ on end of year and got a 39 for bio. My friend also got 39 and he got C+ on midyear :S.
It really depends on the cohort as to how well you do in VCE.
Its not acing if you don't get 100% on your midyears...the sacs and stuff don't count for nothing compared to them :\
And i would like to see that i get credit for taking the survey? :D
haha not as big a pimp as you are
korean bbq with so many guys eh
lmao but 3 formals this yr viv nothing beatsthat
what about charles he is at least 4 formals AHAHAH
update update !!!
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