Friday, February 25, 2011


Okay, so I've decided that there's no point in delaying out a new post after a really big one. I clicked the Stats button on my dashboard and saw that a multitude of mini hiatuses like said had suddenly accumulated into a drop of 1000+ views every month compared to mid last year. 

oh nooooooo.. so from now on i will try to blog as much as i did before or whenever i just feel like it. 

Anyway, i woke up yesterday with a hand imprint on my face.... what an attractive sleepmark. And good thing one of my orientation kids called me at 8am because she rescued me from a dream where a T-Rex was chasing me in a Maccas playground and then i escaped to go buy blue curtains for $1 and was forced to give a $10 tip what the hell??? 

This week has been so busy. Going out again tonight...  


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