Wednesday, June 01, 2011

peppermint note

What does it mean to be 20 or nearly 20 years of age?

At what age do we truly grow up?

What if "spoiled" people aren't really "spoiled" in their own (and their parents') eyes? What if the reason they haven't "grown up" and taken full responsibility for themselves yet is because they still perceive themselves as a kid. And even their parents haven't realised/don't want to realise that their child is growing up.

Silent reader or not, I would really like to know your thoughts on this. It's been bothering me as of late because I don't want to grow up anymore but I also do.

I keep thinking "Would they still say this/stop me from this once i turn 20? Once i turn 21? Surely not at 25?"

And despite being grateful for my parents' love and guidance, all i see is blur sometimes.


Blogger f i o n a said...

hm don't worry, you are in transition! i rembr going through my old drawers and looking at the things that back then, i couldn't bear to throw out. but now, im like "why the heck did i want to keep that?" same with clothes, once you go past the stage of loving them, you instantly wonder how you were ever obsessed in the first place. so dont worry! you will suddenly find yourself at a stage in life where you realise that you enjoy being older and wouldn't give anything to go back to the limbo stage that you are in now :)

10:01 PM  
Blogger Spcogg said...

The child grows up when s/he realises that there's something they need to do without the parent's approval/support but does it anyway.

10:10 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

The child grows up when s/he realises they don't need their parent's approval to do something, but asks for their advice instead.

11:05 PM  

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