I don't like sandwiches with lettuce in them.
Fiona and I just signed up for the Cooking Classes run by Student Union Welfare Department. (Dot and Steve - i'm looking at you to join this too)
I would wear any ring except the overly fancy/bulky ones.
How does myki figure out the cheapest fare when it doesn't even know where you will end up? Even I change my mind about things too. Wouldn't a monthly be better then?
I ran out of toothpaste.
ooh i have yet to show you my cat ring :D
i like lettuce ^^ and i dont like bulky rings. detestable. myki doesnt need to know where you end up but if you travel so many times in a day it charges a daily whereas if you travel under a certain amount it will charge you a few 2 hour tickets. just depends on what is cheaper. toothpaste is bad for dogs.
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