Saturday, August 01, 2009

tummy ache

For those who like West Side Story... what do you think of Web Site Story? hehe

Monash Open Uni Day
- was playing 2square with bouncy ball we made in engineering and then karen bounced it into a stranger's bag... chased after her to get my ball back rofl. all you people laughing at me lmao
- got freebies aka teddybear, note pads, speakers, etc
- saw lots of people. lots lots
- checked out Med, Arts, Law, Commerce, Engineering... last two was just bumming
- came home and napped for 3 hours.

What got confirmed today...
- Med (Monash): haahhahahaaa so unlikely i'll get into this one but here's hoping
- Arts/Law: i need 98 at least so thats 39 in IB. yeah okay
- Arts/Science: 85? dunno
- i cbf .
- i want a 42 at least. that's 99.7? anything above is just too beyond me. my TOK is going to fail me... so is HL chem if i don't lift my game.

School starts again tomorrow. i really cbf. but i have TOK, String Festival, WL2, math portfolio, prepare English Orals due soon............ cbf

Midterm coming weekend. One more day of sleeping in.

Edit: woahhhhhh blog Profile Views jumped by 100 within 1 week. (730 to 830) either i got some hardcore fans or... some nice stalkers :) It's okay. just reading my blog is enough =D (lol if it doesn't increase anymore after this)

Get well soon, Farn :)


Anonymous bellee said...

=O i didn't see you there.. =S
..there were teddy bears..and speakers?! ==" the many missed out opportunities to obtain freebies...

11:18 PM  
Anonymous anazraf said...

did you see my mummmmy at engineering? sif she didnt bring me a teddy :( LOL. you'll ace IB viv! you can do it! and yay i can finallly comment on your blog again! XD

4:22 PM  

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