Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now...

I have 3 goals this semester: 
1. To become (good) friends with as many people as possible.
2. To get H1s in everything. 
3. To bring my own lunch one day (with enough snacks).

I already cbs achieving #3. Notice how i ranked friends over study. Making new friends and becoming close to a lot of them makes me happy :) 

...So does watching movies/anime for 2 hours every tuesday before physics prac ;]


Blogger Luindilwen said...

...i dont think airplanes are shooting stars...that is a dumb idea. if they really wanted a wish they could wish on something else...ie. four leaf clovers or the brightest/first star in the sky one can see, a wishing pool...

airplanes...no...how deprived

8:38 PM  

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Just a normal FROGGY eating her way through the world. Find me at lonelypebool@gmail.com