Tuesday, October 20, 2009




i was going to explain why i'm irritated but i don't want to spoil the whole graduating atmosphere. I have lots of nice photos (200 in two days in fact) and i'm going to develop them after exams... which will be in less than a month woohoo!

Graduating/celebrating now is so deceptive. 

The hardest part hasn't even started yet ARGH today we had 7:30am breakfast, raided the music school, camwhored, had a nice quad day, played games/watched videos in classes and had year 12 video assembly. and people started crying. 

Tomorrow is Year 12 Leavers  Assembly (formal one) and i just woke up from a 4hr+ nap. fk???? done no work . and We also have Valedictory Dinner tomorrow night and Band 45 is playing. 

I feel weird. It hasn't hit me that exams are in two weeks, that we are graduating and i feel funny. We'll see what happens tomorrow. 

Edit: I think i feel like crying. But what for... I bet i'm either going to snap or just start bawling. i cbf 

Edit x2: I want school to end - i'm over it. But i don't want to let people go. 

...Edit x3: i want an icecream. the old style dixie cups but mango yoghurt icecream. 

why am i still up....................

.....EDIT 4: I graduated! And i did cry a little bit but now i feel good. We'll be free in less than a month now :) YAYAYAYA oh and congrats to those who received Academic of Excellence awards i forgot what they're called. but yay! 


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Just a normal FROGGY eating her way through the world. Find me at lonelypebool@gmail.com